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Start with the Small Steps

How exciting it is that we've made it to another year! 2025 sounds like that science fiction is getting real :). It can also be a bit intimidating as we are going through great transformation as humanity, mainly thanks to technological progress. We've entered new technological era.

New Year is usually full of hope and New Year's resolutions. The energy at night before the New Year starts is full of potential for manifestation as everybody focuses on the same thing, New Year, new opportunities. It is great to use this energy for setting our goals for the upcoming year.

Another great news is that if you fail with your new years resolutions in January, there are at least two other chances to celebrate the new year. You can join those who celebrate Chinese New Year. This year it will be on 29 January or you can wait for astrological new year on March 20 that is most in tune with our natural rhythm.

To start the new year with beginning of winter might be challenging as our bodies ask for more rest. In winter it is important to take rest so that we have enough energy for more active periods. However, we can prepare mentally, visualize the direction we would like to follow. We can daydream, make a plan, write down our intentions and goals, create vision boards, use mental mapping (my favourite) etc.

We can plant the seeds for the coming year and start with taking the first small steps. If we want to incorporate new things into our lives there is a better chance that we will succeed and continue in the desirable direction if we take the small steps and do them consistently. We will become stronger in our new habits and continuosly have more energy and momentum to continue.

I wish that in 2025 we will make the right choices that will support us in the direction that is meant for us.

Happy New Year full of Love, Joy, Happiness, Peace, Growth, Collaboration, Miracles....

With Love,


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